Recently my Community of Practice focus has switched from innovations in Education Technology to breastfeeding tips and techniques. Scarlett Ann Rosalie was born May 4 which was almost 2 weeks before her due date and 1 week before the c-section that we had carefully planned for her to ensure that her daddy could attend. Best laid plans etc.etc. meant that Bart missed the whole hospital experience and returned from his work trip to India to find his new daughter already installed at home.
For some reason, we like to live from one milestone to another. My milestone for starting to blog again was going to be Mothers Day but of course that day came and went. So today has the milestone of being the day when little Scarlett's remaining umbilical cord fell off (making quite an impressive thud as it fell to the floor I might add). Her dried up cord stump made a hasty exit via the rubbish bin this morning because while the milestone is a cute one, the evidence is not!
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