"Life is a highway..." according to one of the song's in Luc's favourite movie, Cars. We certainly wouldn't have disagreed with that on our recent trip to Europe which has us drive 13 hours from Budapest, Hungary to Sigisoara, Romania. Our two little travel bugs coped fantastically.
I will post some photos soon but in the meantime highlights from our trip (which began with a week in our beloved Paris) include:
* Aunt Violet finding a relative in the Transylvanian town she born in.
* Watching waiters' jaws drop when we asked for a table. At one stage we numbered 18 with ages ranging from 5 months to 80 yrs.
* Champagne boat trip on the Danube. The best part was that the moon's reflection on the water pacified a fussy Scarlett.
* Meeting up with so many old friends in Paris and Budapest many of whom have also had new babies since we last saw them.
* Somloi Galushka at the Fatal restaurant Budapest. Hungary's answer to tiramisu is so-so except at this restaurant that is not only served in an enormous serving bowl but is absolutely delicious. I had it 3 times in 4 days!
* Spending time with the US family and Luc hanging out with his cousins.
* Eating wine and cheese in France. It just doesn't taste the same anywhere else.
* Visting local food market in Paris. My first morning in Paris, I went out to look for a supermarket but stumbled upon the fantastic Boulevard de Grenelle Sunday market. Reminded me of the best thing about living in Paris ... the love of food.
Not so high lights:
* Severe jetlag on return
* Snotty waiters in Budapest. I think they went to the same finishing school as some Parisian waiters.
That road trip