Monday, January 01, 2007

New Look for the New Year !

Thanks to preventive measures taken before going to bed, today's hangover has thus far been subdued like an unruly airplane passenger. I'm hoping that when the ibuprofen handcuffs are off, the headache doesn't make a sudden bid for freedom.

Meanwhile, if you're a returning visitor, you might have noticed that we have a new look. You will also notice that to the left of this posting, I have shared my New Years resolutions. They are intentionally not earth shattering but they are achievable and you're looking at the proof.

If you haven't made any resolutions this New Year, just resolve to check out this blog every now and then. I'll try to make it worth your while!



Bo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bo said...

Resolution number 5's going to be the biggest challenge I feel ... (And in case you're wondering what the comment i deleted said, I wrote "4" instead of "5" ... and didn't want to offend :-))